If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact the Club Welfare Officer in the first instance. Key contact details are as follows:
Club Welfare Officer:
Becky Jones - 07527927200
Role of Club Welfare Officer - A Club Welfare Officer is the person within a sports club with primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children and for putting into place procedures to safeguard children in the club.
FA Guide to Roles and Responsibilities of Club Welfare Officers
Shropshire FA Safeguarding Team
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (DDSO)
Victoria Tranter
01743 362769 / 07719047701
Senior Safeguarding Lead (SSL)
Andy Weston
01743 362769 / 07435960651
Deputy Senior Safeguarding Lead (DSSL)
Zoe Griffiths
01743 362769 / 07368528519